1. Do you put the toilet paper on coming over the top or underneath, or does it matter? If someone puts it on wrong do you have to fix it? Nope, I don't care as long as their is TP on the roll.
2. Do you wear shoes in the house? If I am cleaning I do. Otherwise I go barefoot. In the winter I wear socks or slippers to keep my tootsies warm.
3. If something falls out of the dryer when you’re folding clothes or putting it in the laundry basket, do you have to rewash it or do you just continue on like nothing happened? I just shake it out and keep on trucking. The 5 second rule also applies to clothing.
4. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? What about in a hotel? Considering that I usually sleep alone because BJ is at work, I sleep in the middle. But on the weekend when he is there, I sleep on the left. Same with hotels.
5. Do you do everything in the shower in the same order every time? Yup -- wash my face, put shampoo on my hair and rinse it, put conditioner on, wash my body, rinse conditioner. If I have to shave I insert do that after the face-washing.
6. How many times a day do you think you wash your hands? Never. Just kidding -- I don't know that I have ever counted.
7. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Does it ever vary? I always go to the bathroom.